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All SUSE operating system files and directories must have a valid group owner.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-235029 SLES-15-040410 SV-235029r991589_rule Medium
Files without a valid group owner may be unintentionally inherited if a group is assigned the same Group Identifier (GID) as the GID of the files without a valid group owner.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-05-30


Check Text ( C-38217r619356_chk )
Verify all SUSE operating system files and directories on the system have a valid group.

Check the owner of all files and directories with the following command:

Note: The value after -fstype must be replaced with the filesystem type. XFS is used as an example.

> sudo find / -fstype xfs -nogroup

If any files on the system do not have an assigned group, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-38180r619357_fix)
Either remove all files and directories from the SUSE operating system that do not have a valid group, or assign a valid group to all files and directories on the system with the "chgrp" command:

> sudo chgrp